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Tsunami Track Sounds proudly presents another fully live recorded guitar/bass package THRASH HARD CORE presented by Takahiro Hashimoto (Hasshin).

His guitar style is based on HR/HM style but covers a wide range of styles, and is characterized by technical, emotional and powerful guitar style.

He has become a topic of conversation among guitar kids overseas, and has been introduced in a French guitar magazine and featured on a US HR/HM program.

He is also well versed in recording and is active as a mix and mastering engineer and has participated as a guitarist in the background music for a TV commercials in Japan.


  • 870 MB

    48Khz 24 Bit

    BPM 140, 160, 180, 195

    560 Guitars, 140 Drums, 140 Bass, 224 Oneshots

    All Guitar folders come with DRY/WET data. 


    Package includes massive amount of sounds you can arrange/effect to build up your own unique music with some metal spice!


    Recording Environment

    All performance is LINE recorded with Guitar : Skervesen Swan 7 string guitar.

    Using HOIRZON DEVICES Precision Drive as a booster and also combining two compressors from Fractal Audio Systems FM3. 

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